Sunday, January 4, 2009

Different Schools

One of the other teachers has been away getting married over the holidays, so I've been covering his classes at Sara's school to pick up a bit of extra spending money. This has been my irst time teachign at one of the evening schools, and it's very different from what I'm used to.

1. The classes are longer. Instead of the 20-25~ minute race of a class at the kindergartens, the evening schools have nice 45 minute classes, so I actually have time to teach a bit more than just a couple flash cards. Sometimes it's a bit difficult trying to make a 45 minute class for three words and a little poem, but once it get's going it's a lot of fun. I really have time to interact with the kids too.

2. The kids are older. The age of the kindergaten students is anywhere from 2-7. At the evening school, it's more of 6-11. I can actually comunicate with the kids on a regular level. I love it.  I got to talk to one of the smarter kids for about 10 minutes about a cartoon we had both seen. While we couldn't go into great detail, we were able to gether enough of what the other was talking about from both having a good knowledge of the show.

3. There are less classes, and less kids per class. The Greenland school has about nine classes with anywhere from 10 kids in the baby class, to 30 in the senior class. At last count, there's around 170 kids in that school, and I teach all of them. At Keji, there are usually only 8 to 14 kids, and much less classes. And with the extra time, I can actually remember a lot of their names.

It's a large difference between the two types of schools. I've still got till November before my contract ends, and I'll probably stay longer, so I wonder how many more times I'll end up teaching there.

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