Sorry for lack of updates. Prepare for a veritable barrage of them now.
There's always lot's going on here. I really only work about 18 hours a week (26 if you count the time I have to sit around at Greenland in between classes.) but there's almost always something that I'm running off too.
Sara's school had a Christmas performance on Sunday, and since Saffron and Chris were in it, I came along to watch. It was about a 50/50 mixture of cliche and cute. Each of the classes came on stage to perform a song or small play. Despite most of it being pantomimed to either music or the children's prerecorded words, the parents loved it. These are, I must remind myself, only 6~ year old kids, and just remembering their places on stage is a big task for them. They did a very good job.
Chris and Saffron went on about two thirds through and sang a song called Tian Mi Mi. Apparently it's a very popular song here, because everyone in the audience sang along.
They both got to wear traditional Chinese outfits for the song.
I also ran into one of my own students while I was there. I guess he goes to the elementary school as well as the evening classes at Saras school.
After the performance was over Saffron and Chris put on Santa outfits and handed out presents.
Thug life, yo!
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