Sunday, April 13, 2008

TEFL Class: Day One

I'm in a nice little room at Motel 8 outside of Pittsburgh right now. My first day of class ended just an hour ago. So far it's rather interesting.

My day started at 5:30. I had to wake up this early to make the two hour drive to from West Virginia. The trip wasn't as bad as I expected. I think it helped that I was still sleepy and had my mp3 player to listen to on the way. Finding the building was pretty easy. It's on a college campus, so it's hard to miss. There are 12 other people in the class and they all seem nice. It's kind of intimidating being around them though. About half of them are either literature majors or can already speak about three languages. Class itself was fun, but very long. 9AM to 6PM. They're cramming an entire semester worth of class into three weekends. We didn't get taught much "teaching" today. It was more of a preparation day, and to try and get us to start thinking like teachers. The list of things we're doing tomorrow is pretty crammed, so it should be a lot busier.

I'm heading back into the city tomorrow for the second day of class. After that I'm driving back down home. Hopefully I'll have some work on Monday. After this trip I'll need the money.

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