Saturday, August 23, 2008

Blog Updates are Good Luck

Just got back from work. One of the first things I do anymore is check my email for any news about my visa and the job. Today I got an email from the manager (Principal? Vice Principal?) at Kid Castle, the school I'll be teaching at. She also gave me the email address of a guy from South Africa who has been teaching there for a year now. Now I can ask someone some actual questions about the school. The school has been very brief in the answers they've given me before. I'm sure their English is better in person, but the emails they send me look like they were typed by a 14 year old on AIM.

Either way, Blogger is good luck for me some how. It seems like I usually get an email or news within a day or so of posting an entry or leaving a comment. If this keeps up, I'll be posting every day. :P

Friday, August 22, 2008

Emofriend's Emo Post About How Emo He Is.

I'm lonely.

Everything is changing, but I'm at a standstill. Like the wait at the beginning of a roller coaster before it makes the first plunge. My brother left for college last week. Tomorrow, my best friend is going back to college. My mom just sold our main television.

And I still haven't gotten word about my work visa. I'm hoping that I'll get a phone call or email or anything over the weekend. I'm going to send them an email either way. I want out of here.

Work has taken up most of the time, but it really drains my energy. I've been falling asleep at about 9:30 lately. Nine freaking thirty! I used to stay up past midnight on a regular basis! Other than that I've been reading through the Wheel of Time series so fast I'm surprised I haven't gotten paper cuts. That and massive amounts of anime. Eitehr way I'm mostly confining myself to my room. My mom used to tell me to get out more often, but she has come to realize how little there is to actually do around here. The highlight of my week is when I go to Denny's with some of my friends.


Being emo sucks, but I had to get that out.

Feel free to return to whatever it was that you were doing.